Explicitly enables (true
) or disables (false
) a runtime flag within a runtime version.
capsule {
runtime-version (2) { // required
overrides { // optional
no-fallback-to-result-collections (false) // explicitly turns this behavior off
concepts-inherit-super-type-features (true) // explicitly turns this behavior on
runtime-version (2) {
overrides {
allow-dialogs-on-detail-pages (true)
no-fallback-to-result-collections (true)
allow-dialogs-on-detail-pages optional | Allows capsules to present dialogs on detail pages |
allow-empty-fragments-in-dialog-templates optional | Allows capsules to use dialog fragments/macros that evaluate to empty strings in dialog templates |
allow-wildcard-matches-on-imported-resources optional | Controls the scope of wildcard matches defined in an imported library capsule |
auto-insert-navigation-conversation-drivers optional | Automatically adds "Previous" and "Next" conversation drivers to lists in Bixby Views |
auto-on-click-for-list-of optional | Enables auto-selection behavior for list-of |
avoid-page-selection-command-due-to-ambiguity optional | When the same utterance can be used as both a page selection and a next page navigation command, it will be treated as a next page command, unless Bixby's last prompt was a page selection prompt |
concepts-inherit-super-type-features optional | Determines if a concept inherits features from its super type |
disable-voice-content-selection optional | Disables voice content selection in all views |
enhanced-list-navigation optional | Change default list navigation behavior |
modern-default-view-behavior optional | Changes behavior when a result view or input view is not defined |
modern-prompt-rejection optional | Changes the behavior of how input prompt responses are handled |
no-auto-property-value-merging optional | Prevents duplicate elements in a node from being automatically removed |
no-default-init-when-input-already-instantiated optional | Changes the behavior of default-init |
no-fallback-dialog-in-views optional | Prevent falling back to a default dialog if no message is defined in a view |
no-fallback-to-result-collections optional | Changes how Bixby reacts if a view is not available or if the view does not have a render block |
no-filtering-with-validation optional | Changes how Bixby applies validation conditions to reduce the number of ambiguous values |
relax-inputs-on-confirmation-denial optional | Change how to handle cases when the user denies a confirmation prompt |
result-view-capsule-lock optional | Enables capsule lock in Result Moments if the result view has a conversation driver |
short-timeout-on-halt-dialog optional | Controls the conversation timeout value after a halt effect |
show-ordinals-on-list optional | Controls whether to display item numbers in lists in result and input views when enhanced list navigation is enabled |
support-halt-effect-in-computed-inputs optional | Changes how halt effects are handled during the computation of a computed-input |
use-authorization-header-for-remote-endpoint-oauth optional | Sends OAuth tokens to remote endpoints in request headers |
use-input-views-for-selection-list-detail optional | Changes how a single result is rendered within an input-view |
use-most-specific-instantiation-strategy optional | Changes the default match mode of instantiation strategies to MostSpecific |