capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (DeliveryNTakeout)
The DeliveryNTakeout
NL category can allow users to place orders for food, using delivery or takeout, from supported local restaurants and establishments.
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
Order food for delivery or takeout | "Order delivery food", "Order food for takeout" | Required |
Order food from a specific restaurant | "Make a food delivery order from Russell’s Pizza" | Optional |
Order a specific dish | "Order spring rolls for takeout" | Optional |
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
주문 가능 음식 검색 | "뭐 시켜 먹을까?" "배달 가능한 메뉴 뭐 있어?" | Required |
음식 주문 | "[치킨] 배달 해줘""[XX중국집]에서 [짬뽕세트] 주문해줘" | Required |
재 주문 하기 | "[어제] 주문했던 [곱창 전골] 다시 주문 해줘" | Optional |
주문 내역 확인하기 | "[지난 주 금요일] 배달해서 먹었던 음식 뭐였지?""내 음식 주문 내역 확인하고 싶어" | Optional |
주문 취소하기 | "[방금] 배달 시킨 거 취소해줘" | Optional |
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