capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (CookingNRecipe)
The CookingNRecipe
NL category can allow users to find and browse recipe instructions for preparing food dishes. Users can search for recipes using many factors and requirements, such as ingredients to include or exclude, diets, or total time to make a dish.
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
Find recipes | "Find me a recipe" | Required |
Find recipes for specific dishes | "How do I cook lasagna?" | Optional |
Find recipes by cuisine type | "Find some good Thai recipes" | Optional |
Find recipes by meal or course | "What’s a good breakfast recipe?" | Optional |
The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR
Example Use Case | Example Utterance | Feature Requirement |
레시피 검색 | "레시피 알려줘" "[김치찌개] 맛있게 끓이는 법 알려줘" | Required |
특정 목적 레시피 검색 | "맛있는 [야식] 레시피 알려줘""[피부 미용]에 좋은 음식 레시피 알려줘" | Optional |
특정 재료 레시피 검색 | "[닭고기]로 만들 수 있는 요리 추천해줘" | Optional |
요리 시간에 따른 레시피 검색 | "[30분내]로 할 수 있는 요리 찾아줘" | Optional |
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