Metadata provided in the capsule-info.bxb
This top-level key is defined in your capsule-info.bxb
file, which must be in the appropriate locale-specific directory of your capsule. You must have a separate capsule-info.bxb
file that contains the required fields for each language you target. For example, if you are supporting both English (en
) and Italian (it
), you should have a resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
file and a resources/it/capsule-info.bxb
file (see the example below).
For more information, specifically for which keys are required for Marketplace approval, see the Create Your capsule-info.bxb
File topic.
If you have different requirements for a different country, you can override the various keys by creating a capsule-info.bxb
file in that more specific folder. For example, you might have a resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
file but need to specify a different website-url
for the UK. You can have a resources/en-UK/capsule-info.bxb
file that just specifies the following:
// resources/en-UK/capsule-info.bxb
// Need a different website URL for UK domain
capsule-info {
website-url (
All the other required information for Marketplace approval is covered by the higher level resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
If you are planning to localize your capsule, place any translated information in a separate capsule-info.bxb
file under the corresponding resource folder.
capsule-info {
display-name (Space Resorts)
developer-name (Space Resorts)
icon-asset (/images/bixby-logo.png)
description ("Find and book your next holiday in space")
website-url (
dispatch-name (Space Resorts)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (SpaceResorts)
search-keywords {
keyword (space resorts)
requested-permissions {
permission (self:profile){
justification (Your profile information is needed to book a space resort.)
// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
display-name (Tip Calculator)
description (Calculate the appropriate gratuity for a given service.)
search-keywords {
keyword (tips)
keyword (calculator)
keyword (gratuity)
dispatch-name (tip calculator)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (gratuity calculator)
alias (tips calculator)
action-bg-color (#FFC50A)
action-fg-color (#443D32)
android-app-id (myActionId)
developer-name (My Awesome Company)
icon-asset (/images/icons/icon.png)
screenshots {
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot1.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot2.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot3.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot4.jpg)
capsule-info {
display-name (스페이스 리조트)
developer-name (스페이스 리조트)
icon-asset (/images/bixby-logo.png)
description ("주말에 지낼만한 스페이스 리조트를 예약해보세요")
website-url (
dispatch-name (스페이스 리조트)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (우주여행)
search-keywords {
keyword (스페이스 리조트)
keyword (우주 리조트)
requested-permissions {
permission (self:profile){
justification (당신의 프로필 정보는 우주 리조트를 예약하는데 필요합니다.)
// resources/it/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
display-name (calcolatore di mance)
description (Calcola la mancia appropriata per un determinato servizio.)
search-keywords {
keyword (suggerimenti)
keyword (mancia)
keyword (gratifica)
dispatch-name (calcolatore di mance)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (calcolatrice per suggerimenti)
alias (calcolatrice per la gratuità)
action-bg-color (#FFC50A)
action-fg-color (#443D32)
android-app-id (myActionId)
developer-name (La mia compagnia fantastica)
icon-asset (/images/icons/icon.png)
screenshots {
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot1.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot2.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot3.jpg)
assets (/images/screenshots/screenshot4.jpg)
action-bg-color optional | Background color of the action button during a confirmation prompt in mode (Transactional) |
action-fg-color optional | Foreground color of the action button during a confirmation prompt in mode (Transactional) |
action-icon-url optional | This key is not currently used by Bixby |
android-app-id optional | Android application ID |
contact-email optional | This is a beta feature and doesn't yet have documentation |
description optional | Description of the capsule |
developer-name optional | The capsule's developer name that is visible to end-users |
dispatch-aliases optional | Contains alternate names (alias) used for named dispatch |
dispatch-name optional | The primary name for when users interact with your capsule using named dispatch |
display-name optional | The capsule name that is visible to end-users and is displayed in Bixby |
exported-permissions optional | Permissions relevant to sensitive content from an imported library that users will be aware of and asked permission for |
icon-asset optional | Icon that represents the provider or capsule |
iconUrl[deprecated] optional | This key is deprecated |
imageUrl[deprecated] optional | This key is deprecated |
name[deprecated] optional | This key is deprecated |
requested-permissions optional | A block key that describes the reason a permission is being requested from the user |
screenshots optional | Defines the set of screenshot images to include on your capsule's Marketplace page |
search-keywords optional | Defines the set of keywords to use when searching in the Bixby Marketplace |
website-url optional | Website associated with the capsule |