Bixby Developer Center


StockInfo (Stock Quotes)

capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (StockInfo)


The StockInfo NL category can let users check the latest market prices on stocks, commodities, and other equities.


This NL category does not support transactions and sales, which is covered in a separate category.

en-US Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Get the stock markets and stock indices status"How is the stock market doing?"Required
Get the latest price of a stock"What's the stock price of Ford today?"Optional
Get recent and historical prices for stocks"What was the price of Microsoft stock last week?"Optional
Get the latest stock price of a commodity"What’s the market price of crude oil?"Optional

ko-KR examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
종합지수 검색"[코스닥] 지수 알려줘" "[어제][나스닥] 지수 어땠어"Required
주식 종목 검색"[삼성전자] 주가 알려줘""오늘 [상한가] 종목 알려줘"Required
종목 추천"주식 종목 추천해줘"Optional

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