Bixby Developer Center



capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (Email)


The Email NL category can allow users to access and use their preferred email client.

en-US Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Search email"Show me all unread emails", "Find me emails from today"Required
Read email"Read email from Daniel"Required
Compose an email"Email Daniel"Optional
Send email"Send email to Jason saying "Let's meet at 6pm""Optional
Delete emails"Delete all emails from Nextdoor"Optional

ko-KR Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Search email"읽지 않은 메일 모두 보여줘", "오늘 온 메일 찾아줘"Required
Read email"Daniel(이 보낸) 이메일 읽어줘"Required
Compose an email"Daniel에게 메일 보내줘"Optional
Send email"Jason에게 '내일 오후 6시에 만나자.'고 이메일 해줘""Optional
Delete emails"광고 메일 모두 삭제해줘."Optional