Bixby Developer Center



capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (Lottery)


The Lottery NL category can help users purchase lottery tickets, and play local major lotteries. Local, legal, and reputable providers can sell and fulfill the tickets offered through a secure API.

This NL category does not include topics related to major league sport draft lotteries.

en-US Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Get lottery results"What are the winning lotto numbers?"Required
Purchase lottery tickets"Play the lottery"Optional

ko-KR Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the ko-KR locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
당첨 번호 조회"복권 당첨 번호 알려줘" "[지난주][로또] 번호 알려줘", "[이번주][로또] [2등] 당첨 번호 뭐야?"Required
당첨 금액 조회"[로또] 당첨 금액 얼마야""[지난주][연금 복권] 당첨금 얼마야"Required
복권 번호 추천"[로또] 번호 추천해줘"Optional
복권 당첨 확률 확인"[로또] 당첨 확률 얼마야?"Optional
복권 구매 문의[로또] 1등 당첨 상점 알려줘Optional