Bixby Developer Center


RealEstate (Real Estate)

capsule {
capsule-categories {
category (Keyword)


The RealEstate NL category help the user with realty searches for homes in specific locations, based on a variety of factors. Users can also contact sales representatives and agents with inquiries.

This does not include rentals or short-term apartments. Transactions, payment, deposits are not supported at this time.

en-US Examples

The following table gives example use cases, example utterances, and requirement levels for the en-US locale:

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
Search for a regional property"Get me real estate in Palo Alto"Required

ko-KR Examples

Example Use CaseExample UtteranceFeature Requirement
단지 정보 검색"부동산 정보 알려줘""[잠실동]에 있는 [아파트] 정보 알려줘"Required
시세 정보 검색"부동산 시세 알려줘""[개포동] [아파트] 시세 알려줘"Required
매물 조회"부동산 매물 있어?""[래미안 대치팰리스] 매물 알려줘"Required
청약 정보 검색"청약 정보 알려줘"Optional

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