Bixby Developer Center


6763 (Macro Cardinality Restriction Enforcement)

We now restrict you from invoking dialog macros that violate a cardinality constraint of max(One).

For example, the following dialog and template-macro will no longer provide dialog when multiple values are invoked for the parameter value:

Deprecated Template Macro Definition

template-macro-def (MyIntegerMacro) {
params {
param (value) {
type (MyInteger)
min (Required) max (One)
content {
template ("Number #{value(value)} Test")

Matched Dialog

dialog (Result) {
match: MyInteger(this)
template-macro (MyIntegerMacro) {
param (value) {
expression (this)

Deprecation Stages

Learn more about the deprecation stages.

  • Stage 1: This deprecation is currently in Stage 1 and is safe to use until the time that we provide a formal deprecation schedule.