Bixby Developer Center




Contains alternate names (alias) used for named dispatch. These aliases give users an alternate way to address your capsule. These should be conceptually identical to your dispatch name. If a capsule has an alias that is identical to another capsule's dispatch-name and both capsules are enabled by the user, the capsule with the matching dispatch-name will be selected.

If adding a dispatch alias, it can only be for one of the following reasons:

  • Adding a singular or pluralization of dispatch name words. For example, the dispatch name "ACME Bank" might have "ACME Banks" as an alias.
  • Accounting for brand names that are concatenations. For example, the dispatch name "DayBreaK" might have "Day Break" as an alias.
  • Adding brand names. For example, the dispatch name "Bread Making" with the company name "ACME" might have "ACME Bread Making" as an alias.
  • Removing "the" in your dispatch name if "the" is part of your brand name. For example, the dispatch name "The Daily Journal" might have "Daily Journal" as an alias.

Dispatch aliases are not synonyms for your capsule's dispatch name and they are not the same as search-keywords.

Dispatch aliases follow the same restrictions and requirements as dispatch-name.


Dispatch aliases are not required. If you do add aliases, you can have a maximum of five alias child keys listed in your capsule-info.bxb file.

Speech Recognition Issues

If you have issues with a dispatch alias and ASR, then you can report ASR issues on Bixby Developer Support using these instructions.


These are examples of acceptable dispatch aliases:

Do this:

// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
dispatch-name (ACME Inc Maps)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (ACME Inc map)
alias (ACME maps)
alias (ACME map)
// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
dispatch-name (Alphabetical Quagmire)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (ABC's Alphabetical Quagmire) // Has the company name and the more generic name
// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
dispatch-name (The Example Company)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (Example Company)

The following examples of dispatch aliases are not acceptable.

Don't do this:

// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
dispatch-name (ACME Maps)
dispatch-aliases {
alias (maps) // Too generic and only one word
// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
dispatch-name (Silly sounds)
dispatch-aliases {
// These are synonyms and more appropriate for search-keywords
alias (funny noises)
alias (funny sounds)

Child Keys

A single alternate name for when users interact with your capsule using named dispatch