Bixby Developer Center



requiredvalue required

The user-facing justification, explaining why the permission is needed. You should have a localized version of this permission's justification for each capsule-info.bxb file you create.

The justification you write should be a reasonable explanation of why you need that permission from the user, so that the capsule can complete the appropriate experience. This justification reflects the business purpose of the permission and it is important to tell users why you are asking for this permission. If possible, you should ask your product management team for guidance on what to write and how to localize this content.


Here is an example of a "Home Country Facts" capsule that requests all three permissions:

// resources/en-US/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
requested-permissions {
permission (device-location-access) {
justification ("Needed to identify your current country")
permission (contact:contacts) {
justification ("Needed to tell your contacts facts about your country")
permission (self:profile) {
justification ("Needed to identify your home country through your address if it is different than your current country")

The following table shows how the prompts look like to the user:
`device-location-access` Permission Prompt`viv.self:profile` Permission Prompt`` Permission Prompt

Here is an example of a capsule that needs a user's location permission in order to give facts for the user's country:

// resources/en-US/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
requested-permissions {
permission (device-location-access) {
justification ("To identify your country with your location")

Here is an example of a capsule that needs a user's location in order to give recommendations for local businesses:

// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
requested-permissions {
permission (device-location-access) {
justification ("To find restaurants and businesses near your current location")

Here is an example of a capsule that needs a user's profile information to make restaurant reservations:

// resources/en/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
requested-permissions {
permission (self:profile) {
justification ("Name, email address, and phone number are required to make reservations with our capsule")

Here is an example of a capsule that needs a user's contacts to send gifts:

// resources/en-US/capsule-info.bxb
capsule-info {
requested-permissions {
permission (contact:contacts) {
justification ("Contacts are needed to auto-fill shipping information to send gifts")