Defines the layout of the given view. You can define this in a separate *.layout.bxb
file, under the appropriate locale-specific resources
folder, or directly in the given view. For more information, see Layouts.
Be aware of which components you are adding to your layouts and layout macros, because different components are available under different views. If you call a layout or layout macro in a view and that layout specifies a component that the view does not support, Bixby Developer Studio will throw an error. Similarly, you should consider which layout macros are being called within a layout itself. The same layout macro invoked in one component might not be valid if used within a different component, as the list of supported child components could differ.
You can read the Designing with Bixby Views Design Guide and the Building Bixby Views (UI) Developers' Guide to check if your layout is using the correct components for that moment and that view.
You can loop the components within a layout's content if needed using a for-each
// Part of a larger view file
// Also demonstrates how to use the `for-each` loop
layout {
content {
for-each (x) {
as (y) {
section {
content {
layout {
match: Hotel (hotel)
mode (Details)
content {
section {
content {
image-carousel {
images (hotel.images)
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value ("#{value(}")
style (Title_S)
slot2 {
paragraph {
value ("From #{value(hotel.lowRate)} • #{value(hotel.rating)} stars")
style (Detail_L)
slot3 {
macro (hotel-rating) {
param (rating) {
expression (hotel.rating)
param (reviewCount) {
if (exists(hotel.reviewCount)) {
expression (hotel.reviewCount)
section {
title ("Description")
content {
paragraph {
value ("It is a low-rise boutique hotel that features a pool in the back side of the building, although it's empty.")
style (Detail_L)
paragraph {
value ("This is a great place to stay for your visit to San Andreas!")
attribution-link {
label {
template ("Open Bixby Developer Center")
url {
template ("")
layout-macro optional | Defines a layout or a portion of a layout with a macro |
macro optional | Defines a layout, a portion of a layout, or a dialog with a macro |
section optional | A container key that can contain a number of various Bixby Views components |