Bixby Developer Center




Defines a set of hints that don't correspond to any capsule category. For more information, see the category reference page.


hints {
uncategorized {
hint (Ask Movie Agent to help me choose a movie)
hint (With Movie Agent, find a science-fiction movie)
hint (Using Movie Agent, recommend a movie from last year)

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hints {
uncategorized {
hint (In Space Resorts, find space resorts)
hint (With Space Resorts, find hotels near Mars)
hint (In Space Resorts, research space resorts on Mercury)

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hints {
uncategorized {
hint (스페이스 리조트에서 금성에 무중력 골프장이 있는 리조트 보여줘봐)
hint (스페이스 리조트 열어서 해왕성에 키즈룸이 있는 호텔 찾아봐)
hint (스페이스 리조트에서 토성 근처 리조트 검색해줘)

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Child Keys

An utterance for a specific hint that can be used within a hint set