Bixby Developer Center


JavaScript API Reference

This section describes Bixby's JavaScript API available for implementing actions.

Using the Modules

Use the standard import command to import an API module:

import http from 'http'

Supported Modules

The API is organized into a set of Node.js-style modules.

  • base64
    Provides simple Base64 encoding and decoding.
  • config
    Provides access to a capsule's configuration.
  • console
    Provides logging methods for use in the Debug Console.
  • fail
    Provides a method for handling runtime exceptions.
  • http
    Provides helper methods for HTTP requests.
  • md5
    Provides an implementation of the MD5 message digest algorithm. (Warning: This module is being deprecated.)
  • secret
    Provides access to a capsule's secrets store.
  • textLib
    Provides various text-related functions, especially related to fuzzy matching.
  • transaction
    Provides method to retrieve concepts from archive.
  • types
    Provides functions for typed value conversion.

Version 1 of the JavaScript Runtime System is deprecated, so you will need to update your capsule to Version 2.

The following modules are not supported in Version 2:

Read Migrating to JavaScript Runtime Version 2 for information about replacing these modules and other important migration guidance.