Bixby Developer Center


2023 April-June

23E Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: June 26, 2023

New zoned-date-time JavaScript Module

We've added a new zoned-date-time polyfill library, which you can use with JavaScript Runtime Version 2 to format dates and times in a user's given time zone . For more information, see the Dates Module Polyfill topic.

23D Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: May 16, 2023

New Values for item-summary-join-mode

You can now specify two new values for item-summary-join-mode: ConjunctiveListLastPageOnly and DisjunctiveListLastPageOnly. For more information, see the item-summary-join-mode reference page.

23C Capsule SDK Release Notes

Updated: April 10, 2023

New "Select None" Metacommands for en-US and es-ES

Additional meta-commands have been added for when a user wants to select none of the options during hands-free list navigation and at follow-up prompts. The new "select none" meta commands have been added to the English (en-US, en-GB, and en-IN) and es-ES locales only.