Bixby Developer Center



optionalvalue optional

Sets the join mode for spoken item list summaries. There are five value options:

  • ConjunctiveList: conjunctively joins similar items in a spoken list grammatically appropriate for the language, such as "Alpha, beta, and omega".
  • DisjunctiveList: disjunctively joins separate items in a spoken list grammatically appropriate for the language, such as "Alpha, beta, or omega".
  • ConjunctiveListLastPageOnly: act as ConjunctiveList, but only insert the joining word on the last page of a multi-page result list.
  • DisjunctiveListLastPageOnly: act as DisjunctiveList, but only insert the joining word on the last page of a multi-page result list.
  • Standalone: treats items in a spoken list as separate sentences, such as "Alpha. Beta. Omega."

You can conditionally set which mode to use, like in Example 2 below.


navigation-mode {
read-many {
page-size (3)
list-summary ("I have #{size(this)} results")
page-content {
item-summary-join-mode (ConjunctiveList)
page-selection-question (Do you like one of these?)
item-selection-question (Which one would you like?)
page-content {
item-summary-join-mode {
if (size(this) == 1) {
value (ConjunctiveList)
} else-if (size(this) == 2) {
value (DisjunctiveList)
} else {
value (Standalone)

Child Keys

Value being set for item-summary-join-mode