Layout container that holds informational content. This area might contain sections, partitioned sections, images, other content containers, and other various components that display information.
title-area required | Layout container to hold a title area, which can contain title text and other detailed text |
attribution-link optional | Component for a Views page that appends a hyperlink or an intent within a section |
audio-control optional | Defines an audio control component |
auto-complete optional | Generates a full screen view of an interactive component that lets users browse content from a specified data range |
calendar optional | Generates a full-screen view of an interactive component that lets users select a date or a range of dates from a calendar |
cell-area optional | A cell-area defines a cell within a layout, with no background or border (which is partially what differentiates it from a cell-card) |
cell-card optional | A cell defined as a card |
compound-card optional | A card that can contain other Views components, such as another card, text, images, hbox containers, or title-areas |
date-picker optional | Generates a full-screen view of an interactive component that lets users select a date |
duration-picker optional | Generates a full-screen view of an interactive component that lets users select a duration of time |
hbox optional | Horizontal box that spans the width of the screen |
image optional | Standalone image within a component |
image-card optional | A card that uses a rich image as the background of the card, alongside information that can be placed in three slots |
image-carousel optional | Creates an image carousel to showcase a number of images of type or subtype BaseImage that are worth displaying to the user |
image-list optional | Creates a single-line list of images of type or subtype of BaseImage |
image-list-of optional | Creates a gallery view of images of type or subtype of BaseImage that were returned from the results |
image-picker optional | Generates a full-screen view of an interactive component that lets users select images |
input-cell optional | A cell that displays user input information |
form optional | Generates a view with editable fields using various interactive components for users to input information |
layout optional | Defines the layout of the given view |
list-of optional | Creates a list from an array of returned results |
macro optional | Defines a layout, a portion of a layout, or a dialog with a macro |
nothing optional | Do not render anything in the outputted view |
selection-of optional | Generates a full-screen Selection List component that enables users to select one or more items in a given list using the selection-of key in input-view |
text optional | Defines the text within a Views component |
map-card optional | A card that displays a summary of a location on a static map |
paragraph optional | Paragraph of text, providing a summary of information for the user |
partitioned optional | Container key that creates a separator between each sectioned item, separating each item with a line |
permission-link optional | Creates a clickable component that asks users to grant a requested permission, if it was previously denied |
progress-bar optional | Adds a progress bar component to let users know the progress of an event or action |
section optional | A container key that can contain a number of various Bixby Views components |
single-line optional | Content that spans a single line |
split-input-cell optional | A cell that displays input information to a user, split into two individual input-cell keys: the left and right |
template optional | Text to be passed |
template-macro optional | Encapsulates dialog logic that normally would lead to duplication |
thumbnail-area optional | A layout container that displays an image in a smaller format, as well as additional information within a title-area |
thumbnail-card optional | A card that displays an image in a smaller format, as well as additional information within a title-area |
time-picker optional | Generates a full-screen view of an interactive component that lets users select a time |
title-card optional | A card that primarily shows text in three slots |
video optional | Display a video player component |